About School Hunt

Welcome to School Hunt, we provide information about over 25,000 schools in the UK.

How many schools are listed on School Hunt?

School Hunt displays the information for about 30,000 schools across the United Kingdom. The statistics we provide are the most recent data, so what you read will completely up to date. This number includes independent schools and nurseries.

Where do you obtain your data from?

We collect all our statistics from the Department of Education, plus numerous other sources (see below for details regarding the provenance of our data). The data is released annually, and relates to the previous academic year. We collate all this information - many thousands of pages, covering every school, nursery, and Sixth Form College in the United Kingdom, and present it in a more palatable way. With bar charts, colour coded pie charts, you will be able to interpret this information with ease.

Is the information on School Hunt accurate?

All the data we present comes directly from the Department for Education, the Independent Schools Council, and Ofsted - plus other government bodies. These institutions publish new data annually, relating to the previous academic year. These are unbiased, non-profit institutions, publishing factual data. All School Hunt does is present this data in a user friendly way, allowing you to easily make comparisons between different schools.

Nation averages feature prominently in School Hunt - how do you calculate these national averages?

The national averages are calculated by different institutions, depending upon the location of the school. Schools within England and Northern Ireland will have their averages calculated by the Department for education (DFE), and the Department of Education of Northern Ireland (DENI).

How frequently does Ofsted inspect schools?

Schools can be inspected at any time by Ofsted. In the past inspections occurred on a more scheduled basis, with Ofsted informing the schools many weeks prior to a visit. An inspection can now take place at any time, with only three days notice. Schools that have received a substandard rating will be inspected with greater frequency in the future.

What kind of information will School Hunt show me for each school?

School Hunt displays huge amounts of information for schools and colleges through the United Kingdom. We were very conscious when designing the site that we didn't want visitors to be overwhelmed with statistics. We wanted the data presented in a way that was easy to interpret. The most basic information is highlighted on each school's homepage. You will see the total number of pupils, the percentage of boys and girls who attend, along with the average class size - plus other essential information, such as the school's latest Ofsted report.

What other information does school hunt display?

You will probably be surprised by the sheer about of information School Hunt can give you. Everything from the pupil to teacher ratio (a very useful piece of data), to the school's financial accounts, which detail the average full time teachers' salaries, and the budget per pupil, all going back a number of years. You can also find the pupils' attendance rating, the number of teaching assistants, and much more. This information will allow you to form a detailed, factual opinion about the school you may be considering sending your child to.

Can School Hunt tell me if I am located close enough to a school for my child to potentially gain admittance to it?

There are many factors affecting your likelihood to gain a place for your child at a particular school. These factors may depend upon each school's selection criteria, along with particular stipulations set out by your borough. What School Hunt can do is present on a map the distribution pattern of pupils within that area. This will show you proportionally how many pupils in a certain area attend the school. If you reside within the colour coded region, you are more likely to gain admittance to the school.

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